My why

On September 10, 2021, my mother joined my father in heaven.  Her favorite song was Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler. Now she is the wind beneath my wings, my purpose, and my business.

My mom, Jean, is my inspiration. I use Claudia-Jean as a tribute to her. My passion to help women reconnect with their voices is directly connected to my mom. The reason I say reconnect is that we are all born with our voices. You didn’t lose your voice to need to find it. When we come from out of our mother’s womb we scream! Some of us screaming about the travel conditions, some of us are hungry, some because heck it is cold out here but we had our voice. Over time our parents, siblings, teachers, neighbors, society tells us to look, be, and do like this, not that. The more time that passes the more disconnected we are from our authentic selves.

Towards the end of her life, we broke a generational pattern of not speaking our truth and changed our lives for the better. It is her story that drives my passion to transform my life and others by learning, teaching, and practicing self-love first. Self-love is not selfish. It is having clear boundaries, it is caring for your body, mind, and spirit, it is speaking your truth even if it is uncomfortable. My mom found her voice at 85, so it is never too late to start. Are you ready to reconnect with yours?

Exploratory chat with Claudia-Jean

Let’s have a quick chat to see if we align and if the magic is there then we will determine what program best serves you.
Holding space for women to reconnect with their voice, feel heard, and stand confidently in their authenticity.