Communication Coaching

Do you want to deliver presentations or speak on a stage, but you lack the confidence or tools to own it? Do you have a burning desire to make a positive difference, but you feel that you are not being heard and your words have no meaning? Do you find yourself swallowing your words because you fear the consequences of speaking your truth?

Discover how to powerfully speak your truth, live with passion, and deliver your ideas confidently.

Hi, my name is

Claudia-Jean Virga

Creator of the CHAT methodology and professional speaker. I used to feel like I wasn’t heard and my words had no meaning. I often feared speaking my truth or sharing my ideas. So, I can relate. Let’s chat about how to turn up your volume and turn down your fears. You will discover how to:

Powerfully connect with all four communication styles even with a diverse audience.
Deliver your message with confidence.
Stand in your authenticity unapologetically.
Be the advocate of positive change you always desired to be.

If you are ready to speak your truth and to be heard, then click this link for your 15-minute complimentary exploratory Chat

Exploratory chat with Claudia-Jean

Let’s have a quick chat to see if we align and if the magic is there then we will determine what program best serves you.
Holding space for women to reconnect with their voice, feel heard, and stand confidently in their authenticity.